Eventide by Lilac Lungs

Favorite Tracks: Guard Dog, Fine, Circle

Lilac Lungs are an indie rock band from Detroit, Michigan. Their debut album Eventide comes out on May 12th. I hadn't listened to this band at all previous to listening to this album for the first time and I have to say, I was very impressed.

Welcome To The Fallout drew me in and made me fall in love with this band’s sound. Next To Nothing was a good choice to be the lead single of this album and I immediately loved it from the moment I heard it. Uh Oh is one of the more upbeat tracks on the record, as well as one of the tracks that I can connect with and that I really think other people can connect with as well. Fallen For Your Face, Us Vs Ourselves, and All I Have are more on the softer and slower side.

The next two tracks are also some of the more upbeat tracks on the record. From the beginning of the track Guard Dog I could tell that I was going to like it. I could picture the song being played live.  Fine is a track that I love absolutely everything about and that just interested me a lot. Circle sounded a bit different and seems to stand out from the rest. I love the way it was composed and that's something that really interested me. Young Warrior drew me in from the beginning of the song and made me want to hear more of this album after it ended.

I love this entire album. There isn't really a song I dislike or even have mixed feelings about. Sure, there are songs I like more than others, but nonetheless, it's a great album all throughout. I definitely see myself coming back to it time and time again and I definitely recommend it for those who are fans of this type of music.


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