Bad Frequencies by Hawthorne Heights
Photo by John Fleischman
Change isn’t always bad. Sometimes it’s necessary to grown. When you’re a band like Hawthrone Heights who shaped an entire genera of music, it seems fitting that they switch it up while still sticking to their roots. It’s been 5 years since their last album and the band is back with their latest work, Bad Frequencies.
Starting off the album you’re hit with a lighter sound that we haven’t really heard within the bands previous work. In Gloom and Pink Hearts start off the album with a poppier approach that will have you singing along almost instantly but still keep the band grounded by bringing a sound that couldn’t be described any other way than pop-punk. But if you’re here looking for the old Hawthorne Heights then do no fret, the band proves they are still the same with songs like Crimson Sand and The Perfect Way To Fall Apart that will take you back, but not for long.
Just Another Ghost and Starlighter (Echo, Utah) show that Hawthorne Heights is more than capable of evolving and stepping out of their comfort zone and really experimenting with new sounds. You’ll also get songs like Bad Frequencies that show off lead singer JT Woodruff’s vocals and Straight Down The Line that show of the bands musical capabilities (the guitars in the song are my personal favorite).
The music isn’t all the band was known for though. The lyrics in songs like Skylark, The Suicide Mile, Pills Push Me Away and Edge Of Town really show off the bands lyrical style that all of us have loved for years while bringing attention to topics that some may call taboo.
Hawthorne Heights are back and better than ever bringing an album that will fit perfectly on your summer playlist.
Pre-order Bad Frequencies here:
The band just started their headlining tour and it isn't one that you'll want to miss. All the dates can be found on the bands' website,
Watch the official video Just Another Ghost below.